Category: Uncategorized


by wp_7210390 / on 18 May, 2024

Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the Refining Industry Brittle fracture Brittle fracture is a type of catastrophic failure in materials, characterized by rapid crack propagation with little or no plastic deformation. This fracture occurs without significant prior deformation and often under relatively low-stress

Api936 Refractory Inspector

by wp_7210390 / on 26 November, 2023

API 936 Refractory Inspection Code – Application, Installation, Inspection, Testing & Repair What is (API 936) about? Refractory Personnel Certification Program will be based on testing candidates’ knowledge of API Recommended Practice 936, Refractory Installation Quality Control Guidelines. API Recommended Practice 936 provides guidelines for the


by wp_7210390 / on 13 May, 2023

Refractory and Materials When we speak of a material, we mean just what the adjective suggests: resistant. A refractory material is therefore a material that is able to withstand high temperatures. Not only that, but another ability of a refractory material is that it


by wp_7210390 / on 15 March, 2023